Access to Treatment and Care

Ensuring patients’ access to optimal treatment and comprehensive care is the cornerstone of the EHC’s mission.


Treatment and Care

Access to treatment and care

Access to healthcare is a basic human right and one of the fundamental principles of European health systems, together with safety, quality, and equity. Access to healthcare is recognised as a right enshrined in Article 35 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights.

September 22 – October 31, 2025

Health Economics Course

A unique online course, created to develop an understanding of the economics of bleeding disorders treatment in Europe and help the EHC community to better advocate for their treatment of choice. 

This course covers the main concepts of health economics and evidence-based medicine, the health technology assessment (HTA) process, cost-effectiveness analysis, payment models and more. All through the application to and focus on the bleeding disorders.

Registration for this course

Registration for the 2025 editon will be open on May 5

Open Surveys

Annual Survey on Women and Girls with Bleeding Disorders

This survey is:

  • Open to girls, women, and their caregivers
  • Focused on diagnosis, treatment, care, daily life, and support
  • Available in multiple languages


The survey will close on April 1, 2025

Mapping the needs of people living with very rare bleeding disorders
in NMOs Survey of European Haemophilia Consortium for individuals:

The European Haemophilia Consortium is transforming its European Inhibitor Network into the European Rare & Inhibitor Network (ERIN). With this transformation, we will seek to address the needs of people living with very rare bleeding disorders, as well as to improve their treatment and care and increase their quality of life.

With this survey we would like to reach out directly to individuals living with extremely rare bleeding disorders (if necessary, through their caregivers) to see what their challenges and needs are in order to better understand what support we can offer. 

Please help us by answering this short survey. Thank you!