
Discover the European health policy and legislative developments that directly impact the rare bleeding disorders community.


May 27, 2024

SoHO – New EU rules for the use of blood, tissues and other substances of human origin


April 26, 2024

EHC joins the Critical Medicines Alliance (CMA)


April 24, 2024

European Health Data Space (EHDS) is endorsed by the European Parliament

The European Parliament endorses the EHDS, one of the central building blocks of a strong European Health Union.


April 24, 2024

EU Disability Card


April 10, 2024

Pharmaceutical Package

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have agreed their position on the reform of pharmaceutical legislation:

the pharmaceutical directive and the pharmaceutical regulation.

Position Paper

April 3, 2024

EU Manifesto for Women’s Health 2024


April 3, 2024

The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has appointed Pamela Rendi-Wagner as director.

On 20 February 2024, the Management Board of ECDC nominated Dr Pamela Rendi-Wagner to be the next Director of ECDC for a five-year period (2024-2029).

EU Programme

April 3, 2024

EU4Health Programme

EU4Health, with a budget of €5.3 billion, is the fourth and largest of the EU health programmes since their launch in 2003.

European Official Text

December 12, 2023

The European Commission, the Heads of Medicines Agencies (HMA) and EMA published the first version of the Union list of critical medicines.

The EU list of critical medicines

European Official Text

December 12, 2023

EMA publishes the final version of the Data Quality Framework for EU medicines regulation.

This document is the first release of the EU Data Quality Framework (DQF) for medicines regulation.

Public Policy Reviews


September 2023 - January 2024

The current edition covers legislative initiatives of the second half of 2023.
It is designed to provide the readers with a retrospective overview.
All initiatives will be further monitored by the EHC.


January - August 2023

The current edition covers legislative initiatives of the first half of 2023.
It is designed to provide the readers with a retrospective overview.
All initiatives will be further monitored by the EHC.


Year of 2022

The current edition covers legislative initiatives of 2022.
It is designed to provide the readers with a retrospective overview.
All initiatives will be further monitored by the EHC.