EHC Health Economics Course


Health Economics Course 

For a decade the EHC has provided NMOs and a wider community with education on the evolution of health economics, tender process, and procurement in bleeding disorders.

From the first face-to-face meeting in London in 2013, health technology assessments (HTA) have become commonplace in national healthcare systems and bleeding disorders.  The ability for an individual patient to input into horizon scanning, model inputs and design, procurement methods, and reporting is increasing with HTA agencies improving their engagement processes. The EHC aims to ensure access to education for patients and patient organisations on-demand for engaging in health technology assessments. As a result, in 2023, the EHC decided to create an online educational course on Health Economics in Europe.

We invite all rare bleeding disorders patients to enrol in this course. The programme may also act as a quick reference guide for students, researchers, and HTA agencies to begin to understand the issues related to bleeding disorders and how to evaluate them. Please note that the industry representatives will not be accepted as attendees.


Why you should take this course: 

-> Overall rating of the course in 2024 and 2023 was positively assessed by 100% of the respondents!

-> The content of the course was evaluated positively by 100% of the respondents in 2024 and 93,8% in 2023!


What people say about our previous edition:

“I liked the breadth and depth of the concepts with practical relevant examples”

“It was very useful to hear about the systems in different countries and to see the cost/life years statistics”

“All concepts are in one place. Very well-explained definitions and their applications in our field”

“I was really surprised by how much I enjoyed this course. It opened my eyes to
aspects of health economics I didn’t even know I was missing. I realized there’s so
much more to learn, and I’m looking at this course as a stepping stone for further

“ I really appreciated the opportunity to learn about health economics in a way that
kept me engaged with the quizzes and a way to test my knowledge and go back to
fill any gaps missing. Having a month to complete the course allowed me to go at
my own pace, and I never felt rushed. I genuinely look forward to more opportunities like this and will definitely keep an eye out for future courses”


Join us in 2025 if you’re interested in:

  • Learning how to analyse various treatments and assess their value.
  • Understanding how HTA bodies assess treatments and ways to impact this evaluation.
  • Helping your government in ensuring treatment access for patients with bleeding disorders.
  • Exploring ways to balance innovative treatments with budget limitations.
A tip from last year’s attendees: dedicate time every day to learning to achieve the best results!

The programme of this course is held online, consisting of sequential webinars (for self-education) with additional interactive materials to improve personal and NMO knowledge.



Programme (subject to change in the upcoming 2025 edition):

Module 1 – Introduction to Health Economics

Module 2 – Health Technology Assessments (HTA) – Understanding Outcomes

Module 3 – HTA in Bleeding Disorders – Applied Cost Effectiveness Analysis and

Budgetary Impact

Module 4 – Payment Models



For any questions, please contact us at [email protected].


The EHC thanks the following sponsor – Sanofi – for supporting this project in 2025.


* This educational course is for educational purposes only, does not endorse or promote any specific pharmaceutical organisation, drug or other medical intervention, and has been developed, created, and delivered by the EHC in collaboration with Prime HCD experts independently from sponsors of this project.