Novel Treatment Reviews


The European Haemophilia Consortium’s periodic review of novel treatments in haemophilia and other bleeding disorders is a review entirely developed by the EHC to help educate EHC National Member Organisations about the rapidly changing landscape of medicinal treatment in rare bleeding disorders. The EHC encourages its NMOs to use and adapt this document to their national needs but takes no responsibility for any changes.

The review covers recent major developments and is divided by different types of disorders for which there is an update to report. The information provided in this publication is compiled from multiple sources, including presentations at recent scientific meetings, websites, financial information and writing directly to pharmaceutical companies. It is then redrafted and presented in easy-to-understand language. This review is updated periodically.

The EHC is grateful for the work and support of the Novel Treatment Review Working Group, which has overseen the content and production of this document. The EHC also wishes to give Miguel Crato, EHC President, special thanks for his work on these publications.


The name “European Haemophilia Consortium (EHC)” and the EHC logo are the exclusive property of the European Haemophilia Consortium.  Any use of the name or logo must receive prior approval from the EHC Steering Committee. The use of the EHC name and/or the EHC logo is only allowed when the content of the publication is reviewed and approved by the EHC. This rule entails all forms of publication, including print and digital formats. Reprinting, redistribution, or translation of any EHC publication is subject to the permission request.

Requests for review and approval should be submitted to the EHC Communications Team at [email protected] in a timely manner.

Please note:  Information and materials provided in Novel Treatment Review are intended for general information only. The EHC does not endorse or promote any specific pharmaceutical organisation, drug or other medical intervention; any reference to a product name is not an endorsement by the EHC.


Novel Treatment Reviews


Issue One

The EHC encourages its NMOs to use the information contained in this review at a national level between their patients, health professionals and other relevant stakeholders but takes no responsibility for any changes.


Issue Two

The EHC encourages its NMOs to use the information contained in this review at a national level between their patients, health professionals and other relevant stakeholders but takes no responsibility for any changes.


Issue One

The EHC encourages its NMOs to use the information contained in this review at a national level between their patients, health professionals and other relevant stakeholders but takes no responsibility for any changes.


Issue Two

We primarily cover news from the 2022 Congress of the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH), held in May 2022, and the 2022 Congress of the International Society for Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH), held in July 2022


Issue One

We primarily cover news from the 2022 virtual American Society of Hematology (ASH), held in December 2021, and the 2022 virtual Conference of the European Association for Haemophilia and Allied Disorders (EAHAD), held in February 2022


Issue Two

We primarily cover news from the 2021 virtual Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH), held in July 2021, and the BIC Conference, held in September 2021


Issue One

we primarily cover news from the 2020 virtual Congress of the American Society of Hematology (ASH), held in December 2020, and the virtual Congress of the European Association for Haemophilia and Allied Disorders (EAHAD), held in February 2021


Issue Two – Russian

This is a Russian Translate for the periodic EHC Review 2020 Issue Two


Issue Two

We primarily cover news from the 2020 World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH)
Virtual Summit, held in June 2020, and the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) Virtual Congress, held in July 2020


Issue Two

This issue will solely offer quick snapshots of notable advances in existing clinical trials, initiation of new clinical trials and development of novel molecules/treatments in the area of rare bleeding disorders.


Issue One

This issue will solely provide quick snapshots of notable advances in existing clinical trials, initiation of novel clinical trials and development of novel molecules/treatments in the area of rare bleeding disorders.


Issue One

The purpose of this newsletter is primarily to help educate EHC National Member Organisations (NMOs) and help them to provide their members and caregivers with a general overview and understanding of the rapidly evolving landscape of medicinal product development in rare bleeding disorders.